XXVIII Scientific Conference
Progress in Technology of Vegetable Fats
will be organized by the:
- Department of Meat and Fat Technology of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology – State Research Institute
- Polish Association of Oil Producers
- Scientific and Technical Association of Engineers and Technicians of the Food Industry
Date: 29th September 2022
Venue: WARSAW – the Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology -State Research Institute, Rakowiecka St. 36, Conference room „A”
Conference themes:
- Nutritional aspects of vegetable fats,
- Vegetable oils – technology, quality, application,
- Modification of fats in technological processes,
- Fat products on the domestic market – oils, olive oil, margarines, fryers, confectionery fats, cocoa fats, milk fats,
- Quality problems, analytical methods and compliance with CEN and ISO.
Scientific works will be presented in the form of lectures, reports and posters.
The Conference is addressed to the representatives of universities, fat plants, relevant associations and companies cooperating on the fats market.