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  • Polski
47th Annual Conference on Yeasts

47th Annual Conference on Yeasts

On May 16-19th Joanna-Bucka Kolendo, Ph.D. from the Department of Microbiology and Ms. Agata Wierzbińska, Coordinator for international cooperation, IBPRS-PIB participated in the 47th Annual Conference on Yeasts. The conference was organized by the Institute of...
CBE JU Info Days 2023

CBE JU Info Days 2023

On the 20th April 2023, Joanna Bucka-Kolendo, Ph.D (Department of Microbiology), Łukasz Woźniak, Ph.D. (Department of Food Analysis) and Ms. Agata Wierzbińska (International Relations)  participated in the CBE JU Info Days 2023. The event of the Circular Bio-based...