International and National Research Projects (recent, selected): AllInternational Research ProjectsNational Research Projects COST Action CA21149: ACRYRED – Reducing acrylamide exposure of consumers by a cereals supply-chain approach targeting asparaginesInternational Research Projects PROMISEANG – Alternative PROteins from MIcrobial fermentation of non-conventional SEA sources for Next-Generation food, feed and non-food bio-based applicationsInternational Research Projects Innovative high pressure process to increase the preservation of ready-to-eat Organic FOODInternational Research Projects WHEATBIOME – Unravelling the Potential of the Wheat Microbiome for the Development of Healthier, More Sustainable and Resilient Wheat-derived Food & Feed ProductsInternational Research Projects New Derivatives of Plant Carboxylic Acids as Active Ingredients of Biopreparations Safe for People and EnvironmentNational Research Projects Waxes of Local Fruits as a Source of Natural Substances with Pharmacological ActionNational Research Projects Development of Innovative Fruit Products with High Health-promoting Potential for People with Specific Nutritional NeedsNational Research Projects Waste Biomass Processing in Combined Biological-Chemical ProcessesNational Research Projects Bioactive Flavonoids of Plant Origin and their Metallocomplexes in Combination with Anthracycline Antibiotics in the Treatment of CancerNational Research Projects Development of an Innovative Method for Calculating the Carbon Footprint for the Basic Food MixNational Research Projects Incubator 4.0National Research Projects SeCuRe – Microbiological Resource CenterNational Research Projects Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for 21st Century IS_MIRRI21International Research Projects The Strength of Grape Extracts: Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties Preventing the Use of Antibiotics in Farm Animals (NeoGiANT)International Research Projects