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The Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology is a member of various international scientific and technology organizations and is involved in joint multidisciplinary research projects as well as national cross-sectoral missions in order to make the Polish biotechnology R&D sector more visible on the global market.

EFSA – The European Food Safety Authority offers independent scientific advice on food safety related hazards, risks and culprits. Its opinions and postulates are integrated into the EU legislation documents and play key role in the decision-making process and constitute significant contribution into the protection of consumers against the risks associated with the food chain.

EFSA operates within the sectors of food and feed safety, nutrition, animal health and welfare, plant protection and plant health.

BIC –  Bio-based Industries Consortium is a non-profit organisation set up in Brussels. BIC represents the private sector in a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) with the European Commission.  The Consortium  aims to contribute to society’s long-term sustainability through the partnership developing integrative business models along the bio-based value chains with a focus on biorefinery plants and the technology need that aligns to it.

INRAE  – French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, created in 2020, is a targeted research institute with the scientific community of 12,000 people, 200 research units and about 40 experimental units located in 18 regional centers in France. The institute is a major global stakeholder in agricultural and food sciences, in plant and animal sciences, and the fields of ecology and environment. INRAE’s mission is to become a key player in the transition processes which will be the result of the upcoming global challenges. The French Institute develops solutions for multiperformance agriculture, high quality food and sustainable management of resources and ecosystems.

GAFTA – Grain and Feed Trade Association is an international trade association representing organisations in agri-food industries (grain, rice, animal feed, pulses, general produce and spices). The association has over 1800 member companies in 95 countries, protecting the interests and promoting free trade in agri-commodities worldwide. GAFTA develops the standard forms of industry-led contracts ensuring that they are current, party-neutral and reflect best practices. The Association also runs an international arbitration service for contractual disputes.

BIOEAST – The Central-Eastern European Initiative for Knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry in the Bioeconomy – BIOEAST – offers a common political commitment and shared strategic research and innovation framework for working towards sustainable bioeconomies in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries.This political initiative was started by the Visegrad Group Countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and joined by Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Republic of Estonia, Romania, Slovenia.


The Institute is a member of other international organizations, such as:

Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure European Consortium MIRRI
American Society for Nutrition ASN
Society for Neuroscience SfN
World Federation of Culture Collections WFCC
World Data Centre for Microorganisms WDCM
European Culture Collections’Organisation ECCO
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO
Bureau InterProfessionnel dEtudes Analytiques BIPEA
International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis ICUMSA
European Federation for the Science and technology of Lipids Euro Fed Lipid
European Committee For Standarization CEN
European Flour Millers Association EFMA