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PROMISEANG – Alternative PROteins from MIcrobial fermentation of non-conventional SEA sources for Next-Generation food, feed and non-food bio-based applications

We are happy to announce that the Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology – State Research Institute will be taking part in the realization of the recently awarded project within the Horizon Europe funding programme entitled ‘Alternative PROteins from MIcrobial fermentation of non-conventional SEA sources for Next-Generation food, feed and non-food bio-based applications’ (PROMISEANG).  PROMISEANG is a 48-month project that aims to develop novel alternative proteins from marine underexploited sources (marine invertebrate and macroalgae discards and industrial biowastes) through biomass fermentation (solid-state and submerge processes), generating new microbial protein biomass, meeting market requirements for food, feed, and non-food (biomedicine, pharma and cosmetic) bio-based applications. The Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology will coordinate the Work Package 4 of the project and carry out research within other Work Packages.

The winning consortium of the PROMISEANG project is formed by 11 partners from Spain, Portugal, Germany, Poland and Hungary. University of Vigo from Spain is the Coordinator of the PROMISEANG project. 

The project will be kicked off in the second half of 2023.