We are happy to announce that Amin Mousavi Khaneghah, D.Sc. from the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Product Technology, IBPRS-PIB has been selected for inclusion in the 2023-2027 international expert scientific roster of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) & the World Health Organization (WHO) [Joint (FAO/WHO) Expert Committee JECFA], successfully evaluated for his industrial-academic profile as a professor at the Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology.
We would like to cordially congratulate Dr Khaneghah for this achievement!
Through expert-driven risk assessments, JECFA defines the safe exposure levels to chemicals found in food. JECFA plays a key role by providing scientific advice that is both reliable and independent, thereby contributing to the setting of standards on a global scale for the protection of consumer health while ensuring trade of safe food, constituting the international point of reference recognized by national and regional food safety authorities.