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Last week, the IBPRS-PIB delegates held a study visit combined with project workshops at the INCDO-INOE 2000 Filiala Institutul de Cercetari pentru Instrumentatie Analitica (ICIA), located in Cluj Napoca, Romania. ICIA is a Romanian state research institute which is involved in the development of analytical methodologies, designing of analytical laboratory equipment, chemical analyses as well as offers  information services for the business environment.

Research addresses environmental and health programs, development of new types of systems, equipment, optoelectronic instrumentation for analytical investigation; materials with applications in environmental protection, health or such areas as: biodiversity; food safety and security, technological modernizations, clean technologies, bioenergy-biomass within the laboratories: Analytical and Instrumentation, Environment and Health, Bioenergy-Biomass.

The visit to INCDO-INOE 2000 Filiala Institutul de Cercetari pentru Instrumentatie Analitica was organized on the occasion of writing, together with ICIA and other foreign partners, a project proposal in the Horizon Europe most recent call within the topic HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01 ‘Creating smart and attractive tools to enhance healthy and sustainable food provision, eating and treating of food at home’. The project will involve the creation of intelligent tools for early programming of the health condition of population in the countries involved in the project. One of the elements of the project will also be the participation of public administration units responsible for the area of health and biotechnology. The theme of the workshop was, among other things, the development of ways to integrate the guidelines and positions of individual national public administration institutions.

A very extensive ICIA laboratory base was also presented, which makes the Romanian institute a potential partner in many different research and scientific projects.