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  • Polski

At the end of May, Ms. Anna Szafrańska, Ph.D., Head of Department of Grain Processing and Bakery Instytut Biotechnologii Przemysłu Rolno-Spożywczego – PIB participated in the Training School under the name „Genetics and Agronomy for Low Acrylamide-Forming Potential in Cereals“ which was held at Maize Research Institute in Belgrade, Serbia within the framework of the COST CA21149 ACRYRED: Reducing acrylamide exposure of consumers by a cereals supply-chain approach targeting asparagine. 

There were 35 participants attending the training, from countries such as Poland,  Denmark, Serbia, Italy, Croatia, Great Britain, Ireland.

The program of the CA 21149 Training School included a series of lectures related to, among others:

• genetic factors, biotic and abiotic stressors on the free asparagine formation in grain cereals;  
• application of molecular biology techniques for identification and expression profiling of asparagine synthetase genes in cereals;
• dietary acrylamide exposure in different Serbian population categories;
• regulatory compliance of acrylamide levels in Serbia with the EU requirements. 

The lectures were complemented by practical sessions connected with PCR analysis of asparagine synthetase genes, HPLC determination of asparagine, colour analysis of cereal based products, usage of drone in yield and quality prediction and cereal crop monitoring. The participants also took part in a field visit at Maize Research Institute.